Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cleaning Your Website Could Increase Website Ranking

By Louis Tong

It is time to review your website. I like to write out something that you check out on your site to adjust, add or clear away. Those actions are simple but important to SEO. This should be part of E-marketing Strategy.

On-site Dusting Authorship Authority is new marks of website ranking and it is necessary as social media become so hot recently. Google think that authority is an easy way to identify the attraction of content on your website. The value of article author will be calculated on social media. How many followers, the quantity of subscriptions?

+1 Button You need to create Google Plus on your pages or posts, because Google+ is one of data deemed in ranking. Can easily contribute your pages and posts on Google+ and increase the rank.

Pin Button Pinterest is brand new social media and we had discussed in our article before. You have to consider it as your online promotion tool. Sharing, pinning, liking on Pinterest and interact with your customers. Thus, adding Pin button make it easy for your customers to Pin your pages and posts.

Metadata The search engine spiders utilized this data to determine what your website was about and ranked your site appropriately. Don't miss this information on every posts and pages.

Website Loading Speed How long to load all stuff of your site? Google Speed Test will help you to check your website loading speed. After score your site, it will provide advice to enhance your website loading speed. Page speed benefits for user experience and SEO. More people visit website on mobile device and so higher speed can pleasure your customers.

User experience To keep visitor on your website you have to confirm your website is responsive and easy to use. We had published post about how to build up responsive website.

Off-site Dusting Be social Author Rank is not 100% sure, but it is an inevitable ranking system that will be soon on Google. Besides author rank, Google utilizes a combination of their SEO algorithm, page content and keyword research, then combine it with the social activity around your website. Developing inbound link from social media can market your website effectively, as social media have many online users and they will share message very fast.

Guest Post As we mentioned how to start on guest post, it is important value to website ranking. It can help your website to create inbound links which are links from other websites you posted articles and they point back to your website. In E-marketing, there are many advantages to build up brand image and guest post is a method to let visitors to get more information about your business.

We have intimate knowledge of E-marketing. We usually learn from Internet about SEO, SMO and online promotion strategy etc. If you have any question about those topics, please contact us.

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