Monday, November 12, 2018

Long Island SEO: The Do's And Don'ts Regarding Page Load Improvement

By Arthur Williams

What are some of the greatest variables that play into Long Island SEO and search engine optimization as a whole? The speed at which your website loads is nothing short of vital, and there are many factors that play into this. Most experts can pinpoint said factors, but those on the outside may want to learn more. For those that wish to improve their sites from a speed standpoint, keep the following do's and don'ts in mind.

When discussing ways to improve webpage loading speed, images should be brought into the discussion. If you plan on using multiple pictures on your site, whether they're used for sales, cosmetic value, or what have you, ensure that they're properly optimized. Resize or reformat them if needed. Use smaller image files so that they process easier on your website. These are just a few insights that the likes of can provide.

Your website may benefit from a more minimal presentation, too. Instead of relying heavily on images and videos, just to name a few examples, you may want to focus on text. Not only will this approach help your site perform better, as far as speed is concerned, but you'll be better able to provide your visitors with the information they need. This approach serves numerous purposes, which is why it's worth adopting as early as possible.

You may overlook the importance of a content delivery network, which is a tremendous oversight. A CDN is defined as a number of servers that, when utilized, can deliver web content to anyone in the world. The speed at which your site loads will depend on the CDN that you use in tandem to a user's location. If you're not familiar with these networks, look up names like EdgeCast, Cloudflare, and CloudFront. You'll develop a better understanding of their importance to your site's performance.

Your website's slow speed may be the result of a large number of plugins, which is another "don't" to consider. If you're familiar with WordPress, you know that there are multiple addons that provide features that wouldn't have existed otherwise. When many of said addons work together, it's safe to say that it brings down the site's overall performance. Pick and choose the plugins you need, as this will keep your site working at a fast pace.

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