Thursday, June 23, 2016

Lounge Lizard & The Biggest Do's And Don'ts Of Web Design

By Arthur Williams

When it comes to the development of websites, there are many things to know about how it can be done well. Not every site will be a winner, but this mean that you should feel all the more inclined to learn. This is where the advice of Lounge Lizard, not to mention other authorities in this field, can come into effect. To ensure that better sites are created, these are some of the biggest do's and don'ts that you would be wise to adhere to.

DO have a goal in mind. Before you get started, you should have a certain goal in mind beforehand. Companies such as Lounge Lizard will be able to agree, especially when you think about the reasons why sites are made in general. Some are designed to sell products, while others are meant to be more informative to the general public. Whatever the case may be, the top web design company in your area will tell you that goals matters.

DON'T forget to clear up clutter. During the web development process, it's possible that a certain amount of clutter will be created. For this reason, you should try to clear it up as much as possible. If you fail to do so, visitors might click away almost immediately after landing on your site, which doesn't exactly do your bounce rate any favors. This is yet another way to ensure that the highest level of web design comes about.

DO understand where social icons should be situated. Another thing to know about website development is the importance of social media. When developing a site, you should still make it a point to direct people to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and any other social channels you might be running. Ideally, the aforementioned icons should be placed in either the header or footer. This will definitely help with reducing clutter, too.

DON'T think that you shouldn't take breaks. One of the biggest faults that the average worker has is not taking breaks when they're needed. You have to keep in mind that working yourself to an extreme can be disastrous. Not only will it negatively affect the work you're invested in, but it won't do you any favors in the personal sense either. To put into simplest terms, everyone who works should take the breaks they need.

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