Friday, August 21, 2015

Web Design New York: Recognizing 3 Mobile Missteps

By Arthur Williams

If there's one thing that can be said about web design New York practices, it's that the mobile side of things must be considered. Keep in mind that most people utilize their phones and tablets in order to access various websites, meaning that layouts must translate well to these devices. With that said, you may be curious to know the mistakes that can be made along the way. Here are just 3 of the most important talking points to bolster your understanding of the matter.

If you want to talk about web design New York missteps, one of the most common is complication in terms of layouts. Smart devices like tablets and phones feature Internet-browsing capabilities, meaning that websites will be accessed through these. However, most websites in this day and age have more simplified versions, since there is only so much screen space by comparison to traditional computers. This is just one of the major talking points supported by authorities like Avatar New York.

There's also the inclusion of Flash, but to a fault. Yes, Flash can help to add greater capabilities to websites, but one can make the argument that the same kind of functionality can be accomplished by text alone. It's just a matter of utilizing it in such a way that is not only pleasing to the eye, but functional across all devices. When designers fail to recognize this, it's easy to imagine that it reflects poorly on the work that they do on a consistent basis.

What about the concern of functionality not being up to par with mobile websites? Maybe you will click a button, on your mobile screen, only to be led to an entirely unrelated website. To say that this can cause frustration would be an understatement, but there's also the idea that the work done is rather sloppy. No one should have to endure this and, as a result, regular testing must be conducted before the ultimate launch of any mobile layout.

Web design New York endeavors are of the highest quality, which goes without saying, and I am sure that those who are looking to get involved in this work can say the same. However, they can also agree that certain missteps can be made. As a result, it's important to look into the ways in which better work can be created. Once you take the previous talking points into account, it will not be long until you start to see improvements in your own efforts as well.

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