Saturday, February 11, 2012

SEO Tips - Setting Up WordPress Blogs

By Barbara Meyer

WordPress is one of the leading SEO enhanced blogs that you can choose to use. It is a world leader. It is simple and easy to use, looks good and above all is 90% SEO ready out of the package.

This is part of a series of tip articles just about using WordPress for leveraging on Search Engine Optimisation.

Tip: Make sure the blog is on YOUR site

We are often asked

If you are doing blogging for Search Engine Optimization reasons compared to gaining traffic purposes, then you can ONLY locate your blog in one place and one place only - On your site!

Do not even think about using a sub-web such as Why would you use a sub web anyhow unless if you want a cool blog URL.

Sub webs are part of your internet site but they are unclear from an SEO perspective. If you want to have the blog content 100% affiliated with your website then make sure it is off a sub folder and NOT a sub web for example :

Placing your blog on a sub web will not give you the same SEO advantage as having them as a sub-folder on your website. Sub webs may be treated different by different search engines - the result outcome will be unclear.

If your blog is presently hosted on or then you should think about to move it as soon as feasible if you want to enhance your SEO position.

One big thing to watch out for if you move a large blog to your site (with lots of content), that if you are currently ranking for a number of keywords, then your ranking can be gravely affected after you have added your blog content.

We have had clients who had great ranking have their ranking drop through the floor when we added a large blog. Adding a blast of new content 'dilutes' your current site content if the new content is NOT Search Engine Optimisation optimized for the keywords that you want to rank for. SEO Optimize the content before making it live to avoid this dilution effect. Taking the time to do this BEFORE you add it to your site will make a big difference to your immediate ranking position.

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